Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Saturday, April 26, 2008

Moving to

The deed is done. I’m retiring and relocating to Instead of dragging on here about it, I’ll simply point you to my blog entry on the new site to learn more about the move.

Not to worry, if there was something on that you liked and/or had a link to, it’s not going anywhere. Just like my older blog, D.T.P. by Lee, everything will stay as is, serving as a shrine to my stint of being interested in blogging more frequently.

I hope everyone will update their web links and RSS feeds, and join my party on the new site.

I still don’t publish my e-mail address on web pages, but you’ll find a clue on the new page. If you know me, it shouldn’t be hard to decode. But if I have you in my own Addressbook database, you’ll be getting message from me later asking to update your records for my new address.

See you on the other side.

» Posted by ALBj at 04:31 PM (ET)
Category: Housekeeping


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