Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Migration On the Horizon

I’ve decided to let the cat out of the bag…or at least peek out of it. A couple weeks ago, I bought a new domain, You needn’t waste your time hitting it right now. It only points to and there are presently no other services attached to it. No mail, no web, nothing.

As I’ve mentioned more than once on this blog, my interest in regularly blogging has waned and will undoubtedly never fully recover. Twitter has become my “blog,” of sorts.

Without mucking about with too much detail, here’s a brief rundown of what’s going to happen—with intent of it happening by next summer. Note, these are listed in the order I recalled them as I write this entry and does not, in any way, represent the order in which each will be implemented:

  • All activities at will ultimately cease. The blog will be archived as-is for the indefinite future.
  • A new site will be created at (with no subdomain such as “blog” in front). This new site will act as something of an index for all the various blogging alternatives in which I am engaged. There’s a reasonable chance I’ll still operate a basic blog on the new domain for the rare times of wanting to type about something in more space than Twitter allows. But the page will primarily consist of my Twitter feed and leap points to all the various media services and social networks I’m using.
  • A new e-mail address—probably my middle name in front of the new domain—will be announced. (No, not my first name. Remember, my initials are ALB, and the ‘j’ on the end is for “junior.”)
  • The very small number of people who have made use of the subdomain on my old address that points to my home server will be informed when it has changed—assuming I keep using it. I might just abandon it completely since I am wishing to phase out the old server under my desk.
  • My photo albums at will get transplanted to the same subdomain under the new primary domain. I am presently exploring the possibility of migrating the entire old Gallery installation into a freshly installed Gallery 2.x installation. I’m also researching whether I can afford to host the large amount of data somewhere off-site. 1and1 hosting offers 120 gigabytes for about $6 per month, but I’m not certain on how well 1and1 gets along with Gallery. I do want SSH and/or FTP access so I can adjust .htaccess files and other fiddling. So I’m open to anyone’s suggestions for inexpensive hosting for large amounts of data. FYI, the total space my albums presently occupy is a smidge more than 10 gigabytes, and obviously I would need plenty of room to grow.

There’s probably more I haven’t thought of this evening, but you get the general idea. I probably should’ve gone with my initials a long time ago, and am not sure why I didn’t. For those wondering, I have no interest in owning the .org version, and points to a link farm that will probably never sell the domain to me at a price I’d be willing to pay.

I imagine I’ll make an effort to post infrequent items here until March. As such, I’ll feel good to have allowed to actively exist for three four years before it is retired. (Update: silly me, I miscounted!)

So, it’s not like I’m really going away or anything, just regrouping. I’ve had a lot of fun with this blog. I thank you for tagging along for the ride and I do welcome your advice as I initiate my new online presence in the coming months—specifically any types of web CMS packages I can easily install that have already done the work of setting up on a page what I described above, as well as the aforementioned photo album host search.

» Posted by ALBj at 06:36 PM (ET)
Category: Housekeeping, Journal


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