Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Friday, March 16, 2007

Hankerin’ a Road Trip

I’m probably nuts, but I know that what I’m thinking isn’t completely uncommon.

I’ve got six weeks of vacation time banked. I ought to use at least four weeks so as not to lose any of my time. Trouble is, at present, as I finish up with expenses incurred two summers ago from my move and try to save aside some money for a laptop upgrade, I’ve not ever felt keen on putting a couple thousand into a nice vacation.

So, I’m contemplating a road trip. A major one—as in, going back to Mt. Rushmore since the one time I was there, it was late in the day and not good sunlight for photos. Also darting up to North Dakota just to finally say I’ve visited all 48 contiguous states. I’d look for inexpensive hotels to stay in and eat light since I could stand to lose a couple pounds anyway.

But what things are there to see between Orlando and up there? I’ve been all over Atlanta and spent two weeks in St. Louis a couple summers ago. At this stage, the couple extra days that would be needed to cut south and then up through Colorado sound pretty good right now.

Any advice? I should probably point out that I am not afraid of long drives. I love driving and seeing the terrain, which is why I think the extra time needed to go through Colorado would be a lot more interesting than southern Illinois/Missouri/Iowa/Kansas/Nebraska region.

» Posted by ALBj at 01:29 PM (ET)
Category: Journal


Well, you’re welcome to stop by Durham, NC and say hi. :-)

» Posted by Tanner Lovelace
March 16, 2007 09:27 PM

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