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Sunday, July 24, 2005

A Three-fer Entry

This is essentially three entries in one, so here goes:

Move-in Continues to Move Forward

The condo is feeling more and more like home. For the first time, I’m actually sitting at my desk in the den/guest bedroom to do my evening computer time. Now to just finish orienting things on the desk and sorting away other items into the closet, as well as wire up an amplifier and speakers with a little TV monitor so I can see TV in here. Also, my kitchen is in 1,000 times better shape than it was prior to this morning and lots of little odd-job maintenance items are tended to, which leads me to part two of this entry…

I Have Awesome Parents

That’s right. They came here to Orlando from Tampa today to help me out with the aforementioned tasks. They’ll probably return one more time as soon as I can swing a Sunday for it to happen. But this space is to serve as a huge “thank you” to the both of them.

The third and final part of this entry is not really related to the first two, yet still contributes to an enormous feel-good mentality…

I Have an Awesome Best Friend

Three weeks ago, you may remember an entry that someone I’d not heard from in a very long time was finally ready to get back in touch. I said it had been about 2½ years. Now that I think about it, it’s more like approaching 3.

A very small few readers of this blog know of this friend and know about my occasionally lamenting being out of touch. I know why it took place and am okay with it. She’s had much time for some healing and soul-searching, and now it’s in the cards that our 10+ year-old friendship may become more. As the extremely private person that she is, I daren’t say much more. But I simply had this desire to mention that I have a renewed focus in life. Where it goes from here remains to be seen, but I’m feeling strongly that it’ll be a Good Place™.

» Posted by ALBj at 10:24 PM (ET)
Category: Housekeeping, Journal


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