Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Friday, February 18, 2005

I Could’ve Scooped MacFixIt

I knew about this more than a week ago, and I’m still running 10.3.5!

Pop-up blocker no longer working: Not just Safari, 10.3.8, or Macs

Yesterday, in our Mac OS X 10.3.8 coverage, we noted a few reports of users seeing pop-up ads in Safari since installing the 10.3.8 Update, even though Safari’s “Block Pop-Up Windows” feature is enabled.


» Posted by ALBj at 06:17 PM (ET)
Category: Mac, Rant


I don’t know what everyone’s on about.

I haven’t seen a popup ad on OS X in probably three years. Camino all the way, baby.


» Posted by Chris Lawson
February 18, 2005 11:14 PM

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