Too Cool for Internet Explorer

Thursday, December 9, 2004

Sock Story

I hate buying clothes. No, seriously, I hate buying clothes. But since it has to be done, let’s never underestimate the power of a new pair of socks. I bought a few packs of black socks for work last night and wore a pair today. Usually, I can’t wait to get dress socks off after just a few hours, but I actually procrastinated a while before taking these off when I got home. They were that comfortable!

For my own future reference, I like Goldtoe Fluffies.

» Posted by ALBj at 08:48 PM (ET)
Category: Musings


The name just sounds so sad…

“Mommy! Mommy! You promised me Goldtoe Fluffies if I was a good girl!”
“Yes, dear, you’re right. Let’s go to that section of the store…”

Or it could be the next character in the Redwall saga…

“Hail! And well met! I am Goldtoe Fluffy, and I am here as the Knight Protector of the Rabbit Kingdom.”

» Posted by chris
December 12, 2004 12:56 AM

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