Monday, September 27, 2004
Why I Choose To Remain In Florida
2004 Hurricane Season May Be Costliest on Record
Eliot Kleinberg, a reporter for the Palm Beach Post and author of Black Cloud: The Deadly Storm of 1928, said it would be a mistake to assume that Florida is going to get this kind of pounding every year. “It’s dumb luck,” Kleinberg said. He noted that 2004 isn’t the first time Florida has taken multiple direct hits from powerful hurricanes.
“I’d still rather live here than anywhere else in the world,” Kleinberg said. “People say ‘We’ve had two hurricanes in three weeks.’ They need to understand the statistics. We might not get another hurricane in their lifetimes.”
» Posted by ALBj at 01:57 PM (ET)
Category: Musings, News
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